I should preface this by saying that I believe couples should do whatever they think is right for their wedding day, including wording their invitations however they are comfortable. However, below is the proper way to word invitations based on different scenarios.
I should preface this by saying that I believe couples should do whatever they think is right for their wedding day, including wording their invitations however they are comfortable. However, below is the proper way to word invitations based on different scenarios.
(honor of your presence) The Couple Jane Marie Smith and John Michael Jones request the honor of your presence as they unite in marriage Bride's Parents Mr. and Mrs. John Smith request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter Jane Marie to John Michael Jones -OR- Mr. and Mrs. John Smith request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter Jane Marie to John Michael son of Mr. and Mrs. William Jones If bride's parents are divorced and both paying, they should be listed on two separate lines without the word "and" in between. The mother should be listed first unless she is not contributing to the cost. Groom's Parents Mr. and Mrs. William Jones request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of Jane Marie Smith to their son John Michael |
(pleasure of your company) The Couple Jane Marie Smith and John Michael Jones request the pleasure of your company as they unite in marriage Bride's Parents Mr. and Mrs. John Smith request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter Jane Marie to John Michael Jones -OR- Mr. and Mrs. John Smith request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of their daughter Jane Marie to John Michael son of Mr. and Mrs. William Jones If bride's parents are divorced and both paying, they should be listed on two separate lines without the word "and" in between. The mother should be listed first unless she is not contributing to the cost. Groom's Parents Mr. and Mrs. William Jones request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of Jane Marie Smith to their son John Michael |
The difference between honor vs. pleasure is a church wedding vs. a non-church wedding.
If you're having a church wedding, it should be request the honor of your ...
If you're having a non-church wedding, it should be request the pleasure of your ...
All wording
Helpful tip: Many couples complain that a few guests will send the RSVP cards back and forget to put their names on it. To avoid this problem, number the back of the RSVP cards and keep a corresponding list so you know which RSVP belongs to which guest.
I often receive inquires for help wording enclosure cards. Here are some ideas that I've collected over the years:
Etiquette books would say that couples should never request gifts of any kind when sending out their wedding invitations. Registry information should be sent out with bridal shower invitations but not with the wedding invitation (directing guests to your wedding website, where registry information is provided, is a great way around this rule). However, nowadays many couples own homes or live together before they're married, and the traditional wedding gifts are often not needed. If you're indifferent towards protocols and would like to make sure guests know your desires, you are certainly free to request cash gifts on either the back of your invitations or on a separate insert card. Below are some ideas for how to do so.
If you were thinking of giving a gift
to help us on our way, A gift of money towards our honeymoon would really make our day. However, if you prefer to purchase a gift feel free to surprise us in your own special way. Our life together has already begun,
We have almost everything under the sun. If you were thinking of buying a gift, A little extra money would give us a lift. But most importantly, we request, You share our day as our wedding guest. Now that we've saved you any fuss, We can't wait for you to celebrate with us! |
More than just kisses so far we've shared,
Our home has been made with love and care. Most things we need we've already got, And in our home we can't fit a lot! A wishing well we thought would be great, But only if you wish to participate. A gift of money is placed in the well, Then make a wish ... but shhh don't tell! Once we've replaced the old with the new, We can look back and say it was thanks to you. |